Well, after much procrastination and prodding I’ve finally returned from my lengthy hiatus of blogging. Please forgive me for neglecting you for so long, but there just always seems to be so many crucial, pressing issues to deal with on days off...And so updating you, my dear friends, has taken a backseat to things like getting a pedicure, catching up on "Lost," plucking my eyebrows, and staring at the hotel room wall and furniture pondering the significance of such fine art pieces as the watercolor hanging before me (which is what I'm captivated by right now as I type this) of an onion and a clove of garlic....and this:
An innocent grandma-style knitting chair...

MADE OF SNAKE SKIN. Uhhh???? Yeah, creepy.

Okay, to be honest, I've been mostly bowling and drinking beer trying to completely shut out any memory of the few tours I have been on over the last few months. I mean, music is a huge part of my life, and as I mentioned before, while Barbra Streisand may not have been my particular flavor of tunes, there's no denying the broad has extraordinary talent, ya know? Well, anyway....you’ll see what I mean in a few…read on...
October began in New Jersey with rehearsals for the Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony tour. I was lucky enough to work with Mike and Jerry again - two of my favorite people in all of touring. Geeez Jerry, keep your tongue in your mouth - you're dropping chromosomes!

As you can see - the excitement of the Atlantic City Boardwalk was more than these two old retired guys, adorned in the required blue-blockers and hiked up britches, snoozing away on a bench in broad daylight, could handle. It took everything in me to keep from screaming "Jackpot!!!" at the top of my lungs - but I just wouldn't be able to live with myself if they had a heart attack or soiled themselves. I'm pretty sure I'll pay a high price someday for all of the making fun of people I do - but man it sure does make me laugh.

Getting to shoot the opening playback segment for Jennifer's set. "I'll do it!" I said. "I know exactly what you're looking for! Ooh! Ooh! Jerry!! I'll do it!!" (I'm like that nerdy kid in 4th grade who wanted to do everything...me! me!! pick me!!!) So we rigged a case up on its end, and that wasn't tall enough. So we added a case on top of a case. And I (very gracefully - ha) climbed upon our trailer park invention and plopped my ass up there for at least an hour and a half before the lighting was "just right," and Jennifer's hair was "just right," and the camera angle was, "just right," and the playback was"just right," oh, get her make-up "just right," are the song tracks "just right?" and so at this point my hip cramps had gone from "just right," to the complete loss of feeling in both legs....but hey - take your time guys! Ahhh...just right!! Let's shoot it! And I did it dammit - numb legs be damned! And it turned out cool! Gotta love youtube.....
(it's pretty crappy quality - but you'll get the idea).

A 3 day stay at a "spa" in Connecticut where I thought we should relax- not with massages or pedicures, but by playing speed quarters "college style" at a Monday Night Football game in my spacious condo that only a few people on the crew had the good fortune at "luck of the draw" to get. Ya know, I never did hear if there was a "damage fee" for all of the nicks in the coffee table....oops.

More white trash bowlin....

Being constantly reminded by management to deny the "Is Jlo pregnant!!?!" rumor.....Ummmmm.....What do YOU think??
This picture was taken at the 3rd show into the tour....hmmm...nah, she doesn't look pregnant to me!

And finally, an end of tour softball game and party in Miami. Our team captains were Marc and Jennifer and I was picked to be on Jennifer's team (lastly,of course, because I was the only girl playing - and who wants a girl on their team? Eww!)

Funny enough, we only had 6 gloves for both teams, one of which had part of the webbing torn out and so therefore, had a huge hole in it- and was given to, none other than "moi," playing in the position of "catcher" (ironic, isn't it?). After missing a couple of plays at the plate due to said glove malfunction, ole pregnant girl marched her pregnant ass on the field and said, "I need someone who can make a play at the plate!" To which I responded (under my breath with disdain), "I need a freakin millionaire pop star who can afford to buy a glove with no damn hole in it!" I never did take criticism well. So ever since then, me and Jlo have so been in a fight....and when she finds out, I'm sure she'll be crushed.
But the most exciting thing that happened on the tour - is that I got to catch for Pudge Rodriguez - the catcher for the Detroit Tigers who "dropped in" to pitch and say hello to his friend Marc Anthony. At least he was sympathetic to the hole in my glove and didn't try to trade me out! And he's wasn't pregnant and bitchy! hahaha Yeah for Pudge!

So here's one final shot of the party that night. The people in this picture are some of the video crew and members of the back-up salsa band- who were a very talented group of Latino musicians and played an awesome set with Marc Anthony's unstoppable voice for the first half of the show and then were forced to endure "mock-playing" for Jennifer's set because it was all set to tracks...Now that had to feel a bit insulting...(I will cut her some slack -she was dancing her Jlo booty ass off all over the stage to extensive choreography, all the while carrying twins - but she WASN'T pregnant!!! shhh!!!)

A small group of us decided quickly that the party was too "South Beach meets Hollywood" for us and decided we had to leave in time to make a final stop at Mango's for "just one more" mint mojito.....and man was I glad I did....it was the guys' turn to salsa dance on the bar......And I was NOT sad about that.....AT ALL...

Okay - so that's one ridiculously over-the-top, lip-syncing, shiny-shoe, annoying mainstream pop tour down...only a couple of more to go. Really though, how bad can it be?
Well, after much procrastination and prodding I’ve finally returned from my lengthy hiatus of blogging. Please forgive me for neglecting you for so long, but there just always seems to be so many crucial, pressing issues to deal with on days off...And so updating you, my dear friends, has taken a backseat to things like getting a pedicure, catching up on "Lost," plucking my eyebrows, and staring at the hotel room wall and furniture pondering the significance of such fine art pieces as the watercolor hanging before me (which is what I'm captivated by right now as I type this) of an onion and a clove of garlic....and this:
An innocent grandma-style knitting chair...
MADE OF SNAKE SKIN. Uhhh???? Yeah, creepy.
Okay, to be honest, I've been mostly bowling and drinking beer trying to completely shut out any memory of the few tours I have been on over the last few months. I mean, music is a huge part of my life, and as I mentioned before, while Barbra Streisand may not have been my particular flavor of tunes, there's no denying the broad has extraordinary talent, ya know? Well, anyway....you’ll see what I mean in a few…read on...
October began in New Jersey with rehearsals for the Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony tour. I was lucky enough to work with Mike and Jerry again - two of my favorite people in all of touring. Geeez Jerry, keep your tongue in your mouth - you're dropping chromosomes!
As you can see - the excitement of the Atlantic City Boardwalk was more than these two old retired guys, adorned in the required blue-blockers and hiked up britches, snoozing away on a bench in broad daylight, could handle. It took everything in me to keep from screaming "Jackpot!!!" at the top of my lungs - but I just wouldn't be able to live with myself if they had a heart attack or soiled themselves. I'm pretty sure I'll pay a high price someday for all of the making fun of people I do - but man it sure does make me laugh.
Getting to shoot the opening playback segment for Jennifer's set. "I'll do it!" I said. "I know exactly what you're looking for! Ooh! Ooh! Jerry!! I'll do it!!" (I'm like that nerdy kid in 4th grade who wanted to do everything...me! me!! pick me!!!) So we rigged a case up on its end, and that wasn't tall enough. So we added a case on top of a case. And I (very gracefully - ha) climbed upon our trailer park invention and plopped my ass up there for at least an hour and a half before the lighting was "just right," and Jennifer's hair was "just right," and the camera angle was, "just right," and the playback was"just right," oh, get her make-up "just right," are the song tracks "just right?" and so at this point my hip cramps had gone from "just right," to the complete loss of feeling in both legs....but hey - take your time guys! Ahhh...just right!! Let's shoot it! And I did it dammit - numb legs be damned! And it turned out cool! Gotta love youtube.....
(it's pretty crappy quality - but you'll get the idea).
A 3 day stay at a "spa" in Connecticut where I thought we should relax- not with massages or pedicures, but by playing speed quarters "college style" at a Monday Night Football game in my spacious condo that only a few people on the crew had the good fortune at "luck of the draw" to get. Ya know, I never did hear if there was a "damage fee" for all of the nicks in the coffee table....oops.
More white trash bowlin....
Being constantly reminded by management to deny the "Is Jlo pregnant!!?!" rumor.....Ummmmm.....What do YOU think??
This picture was taken at the 3rd show into the tour....hmmm...nah, she doesn't look pregnant to me!

And finally, an end of tour softball game and party in Miami. Our team captains were Marc and Jennifer and I was picked to be on Jennifer's team (lastly,of course, because I was the only girl playing - and who wants a girl on their team? Eww!)
Funny enough, we only had 6 gloves for both teams, one of which had part of the webbing torn out and so therefore, had a huge hole in it- and was given to, none other than "moi," playing in the position of "catcher" (ironic, isn't it?). After missing a couple of plays at the plate due to said glove malfunction, ole pregnant girl marched her pregnant ass on the field and said, "I need someone who can make a play at the plate!" To which I responded (under my breath with disdain), "I need a freakin millionaire pop star who can afford to buy a glove with no damn hole in it!" I never did take criticism well. So ever since then, me and Jlo have so been in a fight....and when she finds out, I'm sure she'll be crushed.
But the most exciting thing that happened on the tour - is that I got to catch for Pudge Rodriguez - the catcher for the Detroit Tigers who "dropped in" to pitch and say hello to his friend Marc Anthony. At least he was sympathetic to the hole in my glove and didn't try to trade me out! And he's wasn't pregnant and bitchy! hahaha Yeah for Pudge!
So here's one final shot of the party that night. The people in this picture are some of the video crew and members of the back-up salsa band- who were a very talented group of Latino musicians and played an awesome set with Marc Anthony's unstoppable voice for the first half of the show and then were forced to endure "mock-playing" for Jennifer's set because it was all set to tracks...Now that had to feel a bit insulting...(I will cut her some slack -she was dancing her Jlo booty ass off all over the stage to extensive choreography, all the while carrying twins - but she WASN'T pregnant!!! shhh!!!)
A small group of us decided quickly that the party was too "South Beach meets Hollywood" for us and decided we had to leave in time to make a final stop at Mango's for "just one more" mint mojito.....and man was I glad I did....it was the guys' turn to salsa dance on the bar......And I was NOT sad about that.....AT ALL...
Okay - so that's one ridiculously over-the-top, lip-syncing, shiny-shoe, annoying mainstream pop tour down...only a couple of more to go. Really though, how bad can it be?