Our plane touched down in Stockholm, and we were greeted with great news. "Barbra is sick. (Come on - I'm not that mean! That's not the great news!) The Stockholm show is canceled." So we now have 5 days off to see what kind of trouble we can stir up...and you know how well we stir...
We had heard about an amazing ice bar down the street from our hotel - The Royal Viking (how primitive and barbaric does that sound?). So we were off to find it.

Everything...EVERYTHING in this place is made of ice. The walls, the seats, the bar, the shelves, even the glasses, and after working for three hours in there, the bartender, too, I think! Luckily they gave us those big heavy ponchos and gloves otherwise it would have been nearly unbearable. One of the girls was wearing flip-flops (not me for once) and I had to keep loaning her my shoes to thaw her toes.

It was really an amazing place. But, they only allow you to stay in for about 30 minutes - and thank god - the drinks were like 150 Swedish Kronnors each (I really don't know how much that is, but let's just say it was a large chunk of what I got out of the ATM). Also, I was freezing my ass off and you know how I hate the cold. After years of saying to people, "Geez, it's so cold I'm cuttin ice over here," it was finally true. heehee

After defrosting and getting the feeling back in my buttcheeks from sitting on ice for 30 minutes, we wondered into the old town and found a few pubs to bounce between before settling into one that had a band, who played for 5 more minutes and stopped. The bartender said the upstairs bar was closing - I said, what do you mean, what time is it? 11:30 p.m. and it was still daylight outside. Trippy. So we went downstairs to another cave-like bar and got our sweaty dance on!!!

The next morning we got up and decided it would be another boat day. There were so many choices - a long ride? Short ride? Castle? Viking Island? A VIKING island????????? Now you KNOW we have to see a viking island - so off we went.
The scenery and houses along the way were stunning! We passed hundreds of little islands varying in size - some were so small they only held one house!

We also heard a great folklore story about a king that was chased to the top of this island by viking pirates and in order to save his own life, he had to jump into the ocean and swim to another island for safety. The only thing that remained was his hat, which is supposedly on the top of this pole, and to this day it is called Hat Island. (Okay, so the story actually sounded a lot more interesting than that when I heard it - so do me a favor - just add your own embellishments until you say, "Wow, that was a reeeeally interesting story)

An hour and a half later, we arrived to the island of Burka.
And my arms were seriously exhausted from rowing!

It's quite a secluded island, and not really what I expected. You're totally on your own for 3-4 hours before the boat comes back for you (oh shit, did I just ruin the part where you really thought I paddled our asses all the way to the island?)
The boat captain made a stern warning not to miss the 6:30p.m. pick up or else we would be left there over night...which started conjuring up images of Lord Of The Flies and sparked a good conversation about who we would eat first if we had to turn to cannibalism to survive.

Wait! We could eat the sheep first!!! Whew! We found these guys all over the side of a big hill we were climbing to get to the big Celtic looking cross on top. I'm going to just skip right over the obvious sheep jokes, but we did think that one of the animals had taken a liking to Steve - so we told him to go for it! We wouldn't tell! heehee

We finally made it to the top (although we were huffin and puffin - none of us keeled over).
And the view from the top - breathtaking! (Not just because I'm out of shape, overweight, and haven't found a way to quit smoking yet - it really was breathtaking!)

Time for another random photo:
I don't really know what to say about it. Patrick is one eccentric fella. But he makes me laugh a lot, and that's all that matters.

After we made our way down the hill, said hello to the sheep again, we went looking for the viking village. Follow the smell of campfire and listen for the clinking of swords and you're on the right track.

This village is filled with people reenacting life during the viking period. Some were cooking over the firepit, some woodworking and carving with chisels, another was making viking replica jewelry with the same type of metals and leather.
It was quite fascinating. We sat and talked with the jewelry maker for some time, and he actually lives on the island. He was tied up in the rat race for many years and decided he was going to drop out and live a simplified life like they did many years ago. Incidentally, Jo and I would like to clarify something for those of you in our group that continue to ridicule and mock us : At first glance, when the man was sitting down behind a table, we kept saying how he was really handsome (in a viking sort of way). However, after carefully examining photographic evidence of said man in tight leather pants with a saggy ass and his belly hanging out while walking in sock-like booties, that he was, in fact, NOT our type. You can stop making fun of us now! (He's the guy turned away from the camera on the left in this photo).

After spending some time with the locals and buying some jewelry, we decided it was time for some grub and a beer from the small restaurant near the dock.

Not really sure if it was bravery, stupidity, or blindness, but these little shitheads kept pecking at my toes like they were french fries or something.

This was such an awesome day. Because we were dropped off on the island and couldn't leave, we were actually forced to slow down and enjoy a day outside in the sunshine! I love that!

After dinner at a restaurant with quite a diverse menu...

...we headed off to the beer gardens on top of the city. It's a good thing we enjoyed our sunshine when we did, because it started to rain again!

The last night in Stockholm, I went back to the beer gardens and met up with some of the crew members from The Who. It turns out one of their caterers and I worked together on Korn 5 years ago. This is Sean!

We ended up at a unique place called "Garlic & Shots." A bar that serves only dishes with heavy heavy garlic and a bar with 101 different shots.

I took this picture for my pirate buddies back in AZ. ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHH! Maybe we'll have a garlic pirate night when I get back and I'll cook up some smelly garlicy stuff!!!

Next up we headed to some metal rock bar where I talked to a guy who was in the Kosovo war, accidentally got left behind by my group, and got cussed at and spit on by a really drunk Scottish dude. That's got to be a sign that its time to get the hell out of Sweden!! I had a great time in Stockholm and I got to see more of this city than I ever have before....but...I'm movin on!!!!!!!
Next up, drowning in mud, endless work days, and drowning in mud part II.
See ya soon!
Our plane touched down in Stockholm, and we were greeted with great news. "Barbra is sick. (Come on - I'm not that mean! That's not the great news!) The Stockholm show is canceled." So we now have 5 days off to see what kind of trouble we can stir up...and you know how well we stir...
We had heard about an amazing ice bar down the street from our hotel - The Royal Viking (how primitive and barbaric does that sound?). So we were off to find it.
Everything...EVERYTHING in this place is made of ice. The walls, the seats, the bar, the shelves, even the glasses, and after working for three hours in there, the bartender, too, I think! Luckily they gave us those big heavy ponchos and gloves otherwise it would have been nearly unbearable. One of the girls was wearing flip-flops (not me for once) and I had to keep loaning her my shoes to thaw her toes.
It was really an amazing place. But, they only allow you to stay in for about 30 minutes - and thank god - the drinks were like 150 Swedish Kronnors each (I really don't know how much that is, but let's just say it was a large chunk of what I got out of the ATM). Also, I was freezing my ass off and you know how I hate the cold. After years of saying to people, "Geez, it's so cold I'm cuttin ice over here," it was finally true. heehee
After defrosting and getting the feeling back in my buttcheeks from sitting on ice for 30 minutes, we wondered into the old town and found a few pubs to bounce between before settling into one that had a band, who played for 5 more minutes and stopped. The bartender said the upstairs bar was closing - I said, what do you mean, what time is it? 11:30 p.m. and it was still daylight outside. Trippy. So we went downstairs to another cave-like bar and got our sweaty dance on!!!
The next morning we got up and decided it would be another boat day. There were so many choices - a long ride? Short ride? Castle? Viking Island? A VIKING island????????? Now you KNOW we have to see a viking island - so off we went.
The scenery and houses along the way were stunning! We passed hundreds of little islands varying in size - some were so small they only held one house!
We also heard a great folklore story about a king that was chased to the top of this island by viking pirates and in order to save his own life, he had to jump into the ocean and swim to another island for safety. The only thing that remained was his hat, which is supposedly on the top of this pole, and to this day it is called Hat Island. (Okay, so the story actually sounded a lot more interesting than that when I heard it - so do me a favor - just add your own embellishments until you say, "Wow, that was a reeeeally interesting story)
An hour and a half later, we arrived to the island of Burka.
And my arms were seriously exhausted from rowing!
It's quite a secluded island, and not really what I expected. You're totally on your own for 3-4 hours before the boat comes back for you (oh shit, did I just ruin the part where you really thought I paddled our asses all the way to the island?)
The boat captain made a stern warning not to miss the 6:30p.m. pick up or else we would be left there over night...which started conjuring up images of Lord Of The Flies and sparked a good conversation about who we would eat first if we had to turn to cannibalism to survive.
Wait! We could eat the sheep first!!! Whew! We found these guys all over the side of a big hill we were climbing to get to the big Celtic looking cross on top. I'm going to just skip right over the obvious sheep jokes, but we did think that one of the animals had taken a liking to Steve - so we told him to go for it! We wouldn't tell! heehee
We finally made it to the top (although we were huffin and puffin - none of us keeled over).
And the view from the top - breathtaking! (Not just because I'm out of shape, overweight, and haven't found a way to quit smoking yet - it really was breathtaking!)
Time for another random photo:
I don't really know what to say about it. Patrick is one eccentric fella. But he makes me laugh a lot, and that's all that matters.
After we made our way down the hill, said hello to the sheep again, we went looking for the viking village. Follow the smell of campfire and listen for the clinking of swords and you're on the right track.
This village is filled with people reenacting life during the viking period. Some were cooking over the firepit, some woodworking and carving with chisels, another was making viking replica jewelry with the same type of metals and leather.
It was quite fascinating. We sat and talked with the jewelry maker for some time, and he actually lives on the island. He was tied up in the rat race for many years and decided he was going to drop out and live a simplified life like they did many years ago. Incidentally, Jo and I would like to clarify something for those of you in our group that continue to ridicule and mock us : At first glance, when the man was sitting down behind a table, we kept saying how he was really handsome (in a viking sort of way). However, after carefully examining photographic evidence of said man in tight leather pants with a saggy ass and his belly hanging out while walking in sock-like booties, that he was, in fact, NOT our type. You can stop making fun of us now! (He's the guy turned away from the camera on the left in this photo).
After spending some time with the locals and buying some jewelry, we decided it was time for some grub and a beer from the small restaurant near the dock.
Not really sure if it was bravery, stupidity, or blindness, but these little shitheads kept pecking at my toes like they were french fries or something.
This was such an awesome day. Because we were dropped off on the island and couldn't leave, we were actually forced to slow down and enjoy a day outside in the sunshine! I love that!
After dinner at a restaurant with quite a diverse menu...
...we headed off to the beer gardens on top of the city. It's a good thing we enjoyed our sunshine when we did, because it started to rain again!
The last night in Stockholm, I went back to the beer gardens and met up with some of the crew members from The Who. It turns out one of their caterers and I worked together on Korn 5 years ago. This is Sean!
We ended up at a unique place called "Garlic & Shots." A bar that serves only dishes with heavy heavy garlic and a bar with 101 different shots.
I took this picture for my pirate buddies back in AZ. ARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHH! Maybe we'll have a garlic pirate night when I get back and I'll cook up some smelly garlicy stuff!!!
Next up we headed to some metal rock bar where I talked to a guy who was in the Kosovo war, accidentally got left behind by my group, and got cussed at and spit on by a really drunk Scottish dude. That's got to be a sign that its time to get the hell out of Sweden!! I had a great time in Stockholm and I got to see more of this city than I ever have before....but...I'm movin on!!!!!!!
Next up, drowning in mud, endless work days, and drowning in mud part II.
See ya soon!
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